Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"maybe we should sell the motor home"

That is what my wife said the other day. Out of the blue, from nowhere. Now I have to figure out what she was really saying.

You may remember we were going to full time after the last two kids were on there way, there isn't a rush our youngest is a freshman. Nevertheless, it came as a shock.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pop-up ads can land you in jail

Pop-up ads can land you in jail
Ryan Russell By Ryan Russell

If you find yourself the victim of pop-up ads on a computer, with children in the vicinity, you could face decades in prison.

I wish that I was exaggerating or being sensationalistic, but for Julie Amero this is far too real.

read the full story here

he'ssss baaaack

Hi, I've been lax in my duties here.

There was a tag line on a forum post that caught my eye, "I suspect the best way to deal with procrastination is to put off the procrastination itself until later. I've been meaning to try this, but haven't gotten around to it yet."

I'm been caught in a procrastination eddy and am having a hard time getting back into the main current. I'm hoping this post will help me paddle back to the main current so the journey can continue.

david h <><

photo courtesy of Helene Scalliet (